Odiham, Hampshire

12 new homes

The official opening of this scheme was held on 6 October 2023

See photos and find out more about the scheme

Odiham, Hampshire

Type and tenure of homes
Schedule of works
Funders and development partners
Special features of interest

Number of homes:  12

  • 9 for social rent
  • 3 for shared ownership

All 12 homes have been prioritised for people with a local connection to Odiham such as those working in the village, those with close family in the area, or those who previously lived there but had to move out because of a lack of affordable housing.

Work started on site: March 2021

Homes completed: May 2023


  • Hastoe: £1,995,390
  • Homes England Grant: £768,000
  • Recycled Capital Grant Fund: £52,000

Development partners

This development has been built on grazing land. All homes have MVHR (Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery) systems and incorporate other key elements such as reduced water consumption, local vernacular design, minimal impact on the environment, Nationally Described Space Standards (NDSS) and accessibility features.


Highly commended in the in the Sustainable Communities category of the CPRE Hampshire Countryside Awards.

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