Results of resident consultation on service delivery times

Between 15 and 31 January 2024, Hastoe consulted residents about how long they thought it should take to deliver some of our services.

We decided to run a survey about these Service Standards because, during other engagement activities with residents, we heard that some things, especially repairs, may take longer than our Service Standards state. Quite rightly, residents want us to give realistic timeframes rather than raising expectations.

The survey

We consulted residents using Survey Monkey and included all residents except those who paid only ground rent and who don’t receive these services. We sent out 5,156 emails and, of these, 51% of recipients (2,548) opened the email and 7.7% (399) responded.

The results

Most residents agreed with the existing timeframes for delivering services.

However, in line with the feedback we have received from 1 April we will now:

  • change our routine responsive repairs timescales from 28 calendar days to 28 working days
  • increase repair times for components that need to be manufactured (e.g. doors and windows), from 28 calendar days up to 90 calendar days.

We will not change urgent repairs from 10 calendar days to 10 working days.

The full results of the consultation can be seen in the document below.

See a full list of Service Standards

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