
Let us know what you think of our residents' Facebook page

Hastoe’s Facebook page is 10 years’ old and we think it’s a good time to review how it’s being used.

If you're a Hastoe resident, we would like to know your thoughts, so please help by completing our short survey.

About Hastoe’s Facebook page

Hastoe’s Facebook page is for the exclusive use of Hastoe residents and it was created originally as a way to help residents share information, ideas and activities, and for Hastoe to share news and updates. Although it got off to a good start, interest has declined over the years.

  • Hastoe has over 5,500 tenants
  • In the past 10 years, only 15% of residents have registered
  • Over the past year, fewer than 1% have made regular contributions

We are not entirely sure why this is the case, but of course since Hastoe’s Facebook page was created, Hastoe has a new website that contains news and updates, and periodically we also send out an e-newsletter with news and updates to all tenants.

We are now finding that posts on Facebook are almost exclusively about service issues that have already been, or should be, reported to our Customer Service Team by phone or online via MyHastoe.

About the survey

There seems to be little interest in using our Facebook page for the purpose it was originally intended, so we are keen to know if residents are still interested in us maintaining a Facebook page. Please let us know by completing our short survey. It should take no more than 2 minutes to complete.

Please note: this survey will close on 31 October 2024. We will publish the findings on our Facebook page and here on our website.

Thank you for your feedback.

Go to the Facebook survey

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