Pupils from Martlesham Primary Academy have welcomed the opportunity to visit their neighbouring housing estate to learn more about the construction work and see the vehicles in action.
The affordable homes being built by Hastoe on Blacktiles Lane in Martlesham are expected to house some of the families and future pupils of schools in the local area including Martlesham Primary Academy. More than 80 children from the school visited the site of the housing development next door.

The visit was co-ordinated by Hastoe and Rose Builders which is Hastoe's contractor building the 47 affordable homes. Working with the Academy, Apprenticeship Co-ordinator Alan Bridgman and Site Manager Jonathon Crouch, developed a full programme of activities for the children including an introduction to health and safety, a talk on the development process and watching the operation of a digger, a dumper, and a forklift. Students ranging from 4-11 were also able to experience at firsthand what it was like sitting on some of the machinery being used on the construction site.
Martlesham Primary Academy itself is being refurbished in readiness for a potential expansion following an identified need by Suffolk County Council.

The children had a fantastic time visiting the housing development. They had a tour of the site and saw large machinery in action. They also got to visit a house that was being built and could identify the different rooms. It was a super learning experience for the children.

We were delighted to host Martlesham Primary Academy at our construction site. Our team was on hand to escort the pupils around the site showing them the different stages of build with the crowning glory having an opportunity to sit on some the plant machinery and see them in action. We’re hopeful we have some budding construction workers in the making!

It was great to see so many young people on site, taking advantage of a hands-on learning experience, and to see them all have such a good time.
Works began on the site in October 2023 and the 47 homes are expected to be completed towards the middle of 2025. All homes are being built to a high standard of energy efficiency and will include renewable energy air-source heat pumps and electric car charging points.