Your responsibilities:

  • Keep gully grids clear of leaves and rubbish.

Please note:  

  • In bad weather conditions our contractors cannot work at height, for example on ladders, scaffolding or on the roof. This is for their own safety.
  • If you, a member of your family or a visitor cause damage and we have to repair it, you will have to pay the cost of the repair.

When you report a repair on gutters, we need to know:

  • What is the problem e.g. is the gutter or downpipe loose or leaking? Is a bracket, joint or shoe loose or broken?
  • Which gutter or downpipe is it: front, back or side?
  • What shape is it: half-round, deep-flow, square or ogee (S-shaped)? What colour is it?
  • If it's to do with a gully grid, is it round or square? What is it made of e.g. metal or plastic?
  • How many floors does your building have?
  • Are there any other connected problems?
  • What is the gutter or downpipe made of e.g. metal, plastic, concrete or other material?


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