When we can end your tenancy

In some cases we may want to end your tenancy. We can only do this in certain circumstances and we need to follow a set of rules.

The Housing Act 1988 (as amended) details the situations when an assured tenancy may be ended.

The main reasons are:

  • Not paying your rent
  • Breaking the conditions of your tenancy
  • Causing damage to the property
  • Being involved in antisocial behaviour
  • Death of the tenant
  • Not living in your home.

This is not a full list and only outlines the main reasons.

Exceptional circumstances

In exceptional circumstances, for example if your property is redeveloped, we may need to end your tenancy. In these circumstances we would make sure that “suitable alternative accommodation is available for you or will be available for you when the order for possession takes effect”. This is in line with the Housing Act, 1988.

The procedure

If we want to end your tenancy, we will serve a Notice. If you do not leave we will apply to the county court for a possession order.

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