Residents' Associations

Consider joining or setting up a residents' association.

Residents' Associations

Residents' Associations provide a great opportunity to meet your neighbours, learn new skills and gain confidence in dealing with community issues. 

A group can be formed for many reasons, including:

  • To encourage community spirit
  • To identify and try to solve problems that affect all residents in the area
  • Campaigning for or against something
  • Gaining a greater voice than you would have as an individual
  • Arranging outings and social events.

If you are interested in setting up a resident's association in your area, the first step is to talk to us and start an informal group. After meeting as a group for a while, you might decide to set up a more formal committee with a chairperson, secretary and treasurer. This is easier than you might think, and we’re here to support you and help you to decide the best way to make decisions about what happens in your community.

Please get in touch with your Housing Officer if you would like to play a role in starting a resident's association in your neighbourhood.

Watch the Four Million Homes video on "How to run an effective residents' association"

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