Join a scrutiny panel
We have developed a number of groups which enable residents to scrutinise key areas of our service such as how we manage damp and mould, building safety and complaints. These groups help us to identify where improvements can be made. We plan to run more groups on a range of different topics and in a number of different ways. If you are interested in taking part, please contact us via MyHastoe or call our Customer Service Team on 0300 123 2250.
Topics for group discussion include:
- Services for disabled residents
- Damp and mould
- Building safety
- Complaints
- Annual Report for Tenants
- Hastoe's Business Strategy
- Repairs service
- MyHastoe online service
We use feedback to review and improve our services and right now we are looking for residents to get involved in the scrutiny panels listed below:
Join our antisocial behaviour scrutiny panel
Join our complaints scrutiny panel
Join our disability scrutiny panel
Help us review how we collect arrears in rent payments
Watch the Four Million Homes video on the importance of resident panels