Give us your feedback / get involved

We provide lots of ways for residents to give us feedback and get actively involved in all areas of our business including consultations, scrutiny groups and strategic decision making.

As a resident your views, experiences and feedback are extremely important to us. They help us shape the services we offer to you, other residents, and to reassess our policies and processes. We want every resident to feel valued, heard and included.

We provide opportunities for residents to give feedback and get involved in all areas of our business including consultations, scrutiny and strategic decision making. Our geography is wide and diverse, and Hastoe residents live in dispersed rural locations as well as in urban settings. To try to accommodate everyone, we’ve developed our own Hastoe approach to resident engagement that brings opportunities to residents, where they live, at a time that suits them, and by using technology where it’s appropriate.

You can find out below how to give your feedback and get involved. We look forward to hearing from you!

Give us your feedback

Watch the Four Million Homes video about the importance of resident involvement

Get more involved

We offer a wide range of opportunities to suit your interest.

  • Andrew Potter on the phone

    Talk to our Board and Executive Team

    Talk directly with Hastoe's senior management on phone days, at face-to-face meetings and during site visits.

  • Fleur Wood Court Hastoe 300617Ppauk040

    Join a scrutiny panel

    Join a panel of Hastoe residents and tell us how we can improve our services, policies, processes and publications.

  • Resident and child outside home

    Become a Resident Representative

    Explore what the Resident Representative role involves at Hastoe and how you can get involved.

  • Home magazine Winter 2019 image

    Send us ideas for your tenant e-newsletter

    Give feedback on our tenant e-newsletter 'Hastoe at Home'.


  • Community Grant Fayre

    Apply for a community grant

    We offer up to £250 to help deliver community-based projects that will benefit Hastoe residents and their local communities.

  • Pamber Opening

    Join or set up a residents' association

    Residents' associations provide a great opportunity to meet your neighbours, learn new skills and gain confidence in dealing with community issues.

  • Open For Business

    Set up a community business

    One of Hastoe's partners, Plunkett UK, can provide you with help and advice to set up or reinvigorate a community business, such as a pub, shop or cafe.

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