Discover what it's like to work in our Finance team
Morgan has worked with us at Hastoe since April 2019 and moved into the Head of Finance role in June 2022. His job is vital in enabling us to continue providing affordable homes for all our residents and rural communities. Here, we walk through what a typical day looks like for Morgan at the moment.
9:00am: Morgan starts his day by reviewing and preparing forecasts for Hastoe's financial performance. This involves reviewing various areas of our operations such as sales and major works. He looks at the results for the year to date and compares these with the business goals for the remainder of the year and beyond. This information feeds into the report he then sends to the Executive Team and board members. This is vital to ensure they and other stakeholders have the information they need to make informed decisions. He says:
Almost all projects at Hastoe have a financial element to them, so I have had the opportunity to work on lots of projects throughout the business. This has enabled me to drive improvements over a number of areas of the business and ensure that the finance team is involved throughout."
11:00am: One of the key areas of Morgan's role is liaising with Hastoe's external auditors on financial statements and other areas, such as service charges. Morgan collates information on almost every aspect of Hastoe's finances and operations, before presenting this to the auditors and working through the resulting queries.
I am currently studying for the ACA (chartered accountant qualification) so I am revising during my lunch break for my upcoming exams. Hastoe has contributed towards the cost of the qualification which will enable me to better carry out my current role. My previous training has contributed greatly towards my career progression within Hastoe, having started as a Service Charge Accountant. I then became the Rents and Service Charge Manager before progressing to Head of Finance."
2:00pm: After lunch, Morgan begins analysing the tender returns received as part of the procurement process for high value purchases. Today he is focusing on a recent responsive repairs tender. He looks at the financial implications for Hastoe and where this compares to the budget as well as any other regulatory implications.
4:00pm: Morgan finishes his day by finalising a financial return to the Regulator of Social Housing. He is required to provide the regulator with information on our financial performance on a regular basis. This involves lots of communication with other departments throughout the organisation. This collaboration is what makes working in finance so interesting for Morgan. He says:
Even though my role is primarily numbers-based, I have a lot of crossover and communication with other teams. Throughout the day I also deal with lots of queries on budget performance, rents and service charges, invoices and payroll and tax so it’s very varied!"
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