Our Executive Team

Our Executive Team is comprised of 5 members responsible for Hastoe’s day-to-day management.

  • Andrew Potter

    Andrew Potter, Chief Executive

    Responsible for:

    Overall leadership of the Hastoe Group, governance and strategy
    Leading the Executive Team
    Communications and external affairs

    Andrew joined Hastoe in May 2018. He has worked in social housing for 30 years with his career starting as a housing trainee at Waveney District Council. After spending his early years working in Suffolk, Hampshire and Dorset, he moved to London where he worked for local authorities, tenant management organisations, arms’ length management organisations and housing associations. Andrew has held a number of non-executive roles and was chair of a small housing association. Prior to joining Hastoe, Andrew was the Chief Executive of Lewisham Homes for 11 years.

  • Ulrike Maccariello

    Ulrike Maccariello, Development Director

    Responsible for:

    New housing developments
    Sales and marketing

    Ulrike joined Hastoe as Development Manager in 2006 and became Head of Development in January 2018. She has been Development Director since June 2019. Ulrike has a wealth of experience in rural housing and working with rural communities to develop new affordable homes. Prior to working for Hastoe, she worked for a private developer in North London supporting the affordable housing department. Ulrike has a Diploma in Surveying Practice from The College of Estate Management and is a specialist in developing homes to very high energy-efficiency standards, including Passivhaus.

  • George Parkinson

    George Parkinson, Housing Director

    Responsible for:

    Housing management
    Customer Service Centre
    Health and safety

    George joined Hastoe in June 2019. She is responsible for compliance with the Regulator of Social Housing’s Consumer Standards. She has worked in social housing since 1999 for a number of local authorities and housing associations. She started her career as a housing assistant for Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Council and in more recent years has held senior positions at Aldwyck Housing Group and bpha.

  • Will Roberts

    Will Roberts BSc ACA, Finance Director and Legal Company Secretary

    Responsible for:

    IT and systems management
    Human resources
    Governance and compliance

    Will joined Hastoe in 2007 and was Head of Finance for 3 years before taking the position of Finance Director in 2010. He has extensive experience in the housing and private sectors. He has held senior management positions at First Wessex Housing Group and Moat Housing Group. Prior to that he worked for a private property investment company based in London for 5 years. He has a degree in mathematics and economics from the University of London and qualified as a chartered accountant with the accountancy firm Deloitte.

  • Kirsty McGivney 2

    Kirsty McGivney BSc MRICS, Property Director

    Responsible for:

    Property Services

    Kirsty joined Hastoe in 2015 as a Planned Works Surveyor, she became Property Services Manager in March 2020 and has been Property Director since June 2022.

    Kirsty has a degree in Building Surveying through the College of Estate Management and is a RICS Charted Building Surveyor. Prior to working for Hastoe, Kirsty started her career as a trainee surveyor in the private sector working on new build, refurbishment and extension projects, defect analysis, contract administration, employers agent, stock condition surveys, 3D modelling and detailed drawing.

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