Information about your rights and responsibilities for getting repairs done both inside and outside your home.
We proactively manage potential risks and aim to diagnose and prevent issues promptly to ensure our homes are safe, warm and dry.
We take antisocial behaviour seriously and will do our best to help solve any problems.
Information about your rights and responsibilities around keeping pets.
Hastoe is committed to providing good quality, sustainable homes at reasonable costs for people with limited options in the housing market.
When things go wrong we want to try and put them right as quickly as possible. We see complaints as an opportunity to learn and improve our service.
We aim to ensure that equity, diversity and inclusion are embedded in all our internal and external services and activities.
Hastoe is committed to acting ethically and with the highest standards of integrity in all our business dealings and relationships.
Details of how we use your information, how we maintain the security of your information, and your rights to access information.
Information on the range of tenancies Hastoe grants for its rented housing.
We will take steps to assist and support all customers (including those living with our tenants) experiencing or threatened with domestic abuse.
Information about Hastoe's rent standard and types of rent.
Hastoe is committed to fostering a culture of openness, probity and accountability, and to taking all reasonable steps to deter malpractice through our whistleblowing policy.