Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Our annual survey of 22 satisfaction and performance measures.

Tenant Satisfaction Measures are made up of 22 satisfaction and performance measures, set out by the Regulator of Social Housing. Every housing association with more than 1,000 homes is required to report their performance each year.

Why are they important?

The measures aim to improve standards for people living in social housing, by:

  • Providing visibility by letting tenants see how well their landlord is doing, and enabling tenants to hold their landlords to account.
  • Giving the Regulator insight into which landlords might need to improve things for their tenants.
How do we determine our scores?

The TSMs are made up of 12 customer satisfaction measures (officially known as ‘tenant perception measures’) and 10 management information measures.

  • Customer satisfaction measures: Each year we will appoint an independent agency to survey a representative sample of Hastoe tenants over the phone. Customers are asked questions about how satisfied they are with the service Hastoe provides.

Customers are asked if they are:

- Very satisfied
- Fairly satisfied
- Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- Fairly dissatisfied
- Very dissatisfied

We then calculate the proportion of customers who are ‘satisfied’ based on those who replied either ‘very satisfied’ or ‘fairly satisfied’.

  • Management information figures: This is performance data collected as of 31 March and at the end of each financial year which runs from 1 April to 31 March.

We publish a summary of the findings of our annual tenant survey in our Annual Report for Tenants. A list of the findings together with calculations can be downloaded below.

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