Current partnerships

We work alongside many different organisations to support rural communities

  • Chartered Institute Of Housing Logo

    Chartered Institute of Housing

    Many Hastoe staff have individual membership of the CIH, the UK’s biggest housing network that organises events and training for housing professionals.

  • CLT Logo

    Community Land Trusts (CLTs)

    Hastoe works alongside a wide range of CLTs which have been set up and run by people in a local community to develop and manage homes as well as other community assets. CLTs act as long-term stewards of housing, ensuring that it remains genuinely affordable, based on what people actually earn in their area, not just for now but for every future occupier.

  • CLA Logo

    Country Land and Business Association (CLA)

    The CLA is the membership organisation for owners of land, property and businesses in rural England and Wales. It provides help and advice to ensure the positive development of the rural economy. CLA members own or manage around half the rural land in England and Wales and the work they undertake has a positive effect on wildlife and the natural environment. Their diverse and successful businesses are the heart of rural communities.

  • CLT Network Logo

    National Community Land Trust Network

    Hastoe is a supporter of the National CLT Network that provides funding, resources, training and advice for CLTs. The organisation works with Government, local authorities, lenders and funders to establish the best conditions for CLTs to grow and flourish.

  • NHBC Logo (1)

    National Housing Building Council (NHBC)

    The NHBC is the UK’s leading warranty and insurance provider for new homes. It provides inspection services, guidance and training to builders and contributes to all aspects of the housing agenda. The NHBC provides protection for homeowners through its range of Buildmark warranty products.

  • NHF Logo

    National Housing Federation (NHF)

    Hastoe is a member of the NHF, the voice of housing associations in England. The NHF has almost 800 housing association members, providing homes for around six million people. We share their vision of a country where everyone can live in a good quality home they can afford.

  • Passivhaus Trust Logo

    Passivhaus Trust

    The Passivhaus Trust is an independent, non-profit organisation that provides leadership in the UK for the adoption of the Passivhaus standard and methodology. Its aim is to promote the principles of Passivhaus as a highly effective way of reducing energy use and carbon emissions from buildings in the UK, as well as providing high standards of comfort and building health.

  • Plunkett

    Plunkett UK

    Hastoe is a supporter of Plunkett UK. Plunkett UK supports rural communities across the UK to develop community businesses owned and run democratically by members of the community, on behalf of the community including shops, pubs and woodlands. These enterprises address a range of issues including isolation, loneliness, wellbeing, work and training.

  • Kings Foundation

    The King's Foundation

    Hastoe is a member of The King's Foundation which promotes and champions a sustainable approach to how we live our lives and build our homes.

  • RICS Logo

    Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

    Hastoe is a member of RICS a globally recognised body that accredits professionals within the land, property, construction, and infrastructure sectors worldwide. They work to effect positive change in the built and natural environments.

  • Rural Services Network Logo 1038X576

    Rural Services Network (RSN)

    Hastoe is an active member of the RSN a national champion for rural services fighting for a fair deal for rural communities to maintain their social and economic viability. We are also a member of the Rural Service Partnership which serves to exchange information with other members, learn from best practice and lobby government. Hastoe sponsors the annual Rural Vulnerability Day held at Westminster and organised by the RSN.

  • RHA Logo

    Rural Housing Alliance (RHA)

    As a founder member of the RHA we are committed to working closely with local communities, including parish and district councils, to deliver the high quality homes and services that those communities need and want. We share innovation, good practice and ideas, advocate the need for affordable rural homes and provide a unified voice on key issues.

  • Rural Affordable Housing Image

    Rural Housing Enablers (RHEs)

    We partner with many different RHEs to secure affordable housing for local people in rural communities. RHEs work with and on behalf of rural communities to address the shortage of affordable homes. The work involves identifying the local need for housing and searching for development opportunities or empty properties to bring back into use.

  • SDS Logo

    SDS Catalyst Benchmarking Group

    Membership of the SDS Catalyst Group enables Hastoe to compare development performance with other housing providers to achieve best value for money and demonstrate continuous improvement.



    Hastoe participates in SHIFT assessments which are the sustainability standard for housing and the supply chain. Provided by Suss Homes it is an independent assessment and accreditation scheme that demonstrates organisations are delivering against challenging environmental targets.

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