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Housing Interest Form
Personal details
Consent for storing submitted data
Please note: In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), Hastoe Housing Association will treat any personal data provided within this form as confidential and shall not disclose it to any third parties. To provide the relevant Local Authority with a clear understanding of local housing need, Hastoe will share information on your local connection criteria and whether you are interested in a Rented or Shared Ownership property. All other information disclosed will remain confidential to Hastoe.
Yes, I give permission to store and process my data
No, I don't consent to storing and processing my data
Full Name
Phone number
Are you on the Council's Housing Register?
What is your application number? (if known)
You will need to complete an application form to join the Housing Register if you wish to be considered for a rented property. Are you applying for shared ownership?
What is the name of the parish in which you are applying for accommodation in?
If you are interested in renting, please do not submit this form until you have registered with your Local Authority. All nominations are received via your Local Authority.
Family Details
Please provide the number of adults in the family requiring accommodation and their ages:
Please provide the number of boys and girls requiring accommodation and their ages:
Number of bedrooms required:
Local Connection
This scheme is being developed to meet the local housing need in the parish, therefore you will need to demonstrate that you have a local connection with the parish. You will be considered to have a local connection if you or a member of your household: (please tick all those that apply)
Currently lives in the Parish
Is employed in the Parish
Has immediate family living in the Parish
Has lived in the Parish previously
How long have you been a resident in the parish?
How long were you a resident in the parish for?
How long have you been employed in the parish for?
How long have your immediate family been living in the parish for?
If there is a mix of both rented and shared ownership properties on the new affordable housing scheme, please indicate which tenure of property you would like to be considered for:
Shared Ownership
Financial information - Applicant 1
What is your income from employment?
State weekly/fortnightly/monthly (after tax)
What is your annual gross salary?
Please state savings amount and type for Shared Ownership interest:
Financial information - Applicant 2
What is your income from employment?
State weekly/fortnightly/monthly after tax or write 'N/A' if sole applicant
What is your annual gross salary?
(write 'N/A' if sole applicant)
Please state savings amount and type for Shared Ownership interest:
(write 'N/A' if sole applicant)
Any other details you would like to be considered:
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