Residents are not allowed to keep any animals that may cause nuisance or disturbance to anyone in the local area. This  includes our employees and contractors.

Residents must make sure that any animal they keep does not cause a nuisance or distress to others. They must not damage our property.

We will take action against any tenant who:

  • Has not got our permission to keep their pet(s)
  • Has our permission, but does not look after their pet or pets properly
  • Has let their pet cause nuisance or distress to people living nearby.

If a neighbour’s pet causes nuisance to you, please report your concerns to your Housing Officer.

If you think a pet is being mistreated on purpose, please report your concerns to the RSPCA (0870 55 55 999).

If you do complain about a neighbour’s pet, we will respond to your complaint in writing. We will let you know the name of the Housing Officer looking into your complaint. We will also let you know how long it will take. In most cases this will be within 14 working days.

Types of nuisance 

Straying and fouling

You will get a written warning that you need to put things right straight away if:

Your pet(s) are roaming or straying by themselves.

You are not removing or disposing of their mess.

If you fail to do so, we will take formal action against you. This is for breach of your tenancy agreement. It could mean you have to re-home your pet. You could also face possession proceedings to end your tenancy.

Excessive noise 

If pets cause noise nuisance by barking, howling or scratching, you must do your best to stop them doing so straight away.

You can get help and advice from a vet or dog warden.

If the problem carries on, we will take action for breach of the tenancy agreement. You may have to re-home the pet or face possession proceedings to end your tenancy.

Flea and vermin infestation 

All tenants must keep their home clean and tidy so as not to cause a nuisance or put your health at risk. If you fail to do this, you must put things right straight away. Please seek any help you need. This includes keeping your home clean, tidy and free from animal mess, fleas or vermin. If the problem continues, we will take action for breach of the tenancy agreement. You may have to re-home your pet or face possession proceedings to end your tenancy.

Pets that are or could be aggressive 

If we think your pet may threaten, frighten or harm other people and stop them going about their business or enjoying their home, you must put things right at once. You should seek advice from a vet, dog warden or other expert. If you cannot keep the animal under control, or where we think a particular type or breed of animal is inappropriate to where you live, we will tell you to re-home the pet or you may face action for breach of tenancy. This could lead to possession proceedings to end your tenancy.


Tenants will be in breach of their tenancy agreement if they: 

  • Allow pets to wander by themselves in communal areas, landings and walkways
  • Allow pets to urinate or foul in communal areas
  • Fail to keep dogs on a lead in communal areas.

The Animal Welfare Act 2006

Any tenant who chooses to keep a pet takes full responsibility for its care, welfare and behaviour. There are laws in place to make sure that you care for it properly. This includes making sure it has a suitable place to live, is given the right food to eat and is protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease. Read more at

Irresponsible pet owners will not be allowed to keep pets in their Hastoe home. They will lose any right or permission they may have had in the past.

Any tenant neglecting or abusing their pet will be reported to the RSPCA.

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